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The easiest way to build your cansat is by using 3D printed plastic supports. Here’s what we recommend to do: 

  1. Use PLA plus for the structure : it’s a more durable and resistant plastic than the others 
  2. Use metallics rods for the structure (3 or 4 depending on how you store your components) 
  3. Add shock absorbers in flexible filament (TPU filament is the best for that): It will protect your CanSat during the impact on landing. 
  4. Make holes for airflow: also, for the sensors that needs direct acess to air 
  5. Make holes for USB, Batteries, Buttons ... 
  6. Print your model out and fit your components into it. They may not fit 
  7. Leave some space for lead that will be used to weigh your cansat down 


1.Recommended Software 

• Blender 

+free and opensource 

-hard learning curve 

+perfect for texturing, rendering and cinematic animations 

-Mesh modeling workflow (more time consuming but no limits in the design) 

• Autodesk fusion 360 

+better workflow for mechanical design 

-expensive for adults 

+free for students 

• Thinkercad 


-free version of Fusion 360 

-can be limited in the design 

Tips for blender in mechanical design 

-make objects with the right dimensions for every components so that you can design the supports for them 

-apply textures by downloading photos of the components online and UV unwraping your model. 

-make animations with keyframing 

For powerpoint: 

-Insert in GLtf format to have the textures applied 

-Or insert in OBJ format 

-To have clean and smooth transitions apply morphose to all slides and move the objects between slides 

-To make 360 animations go the animation panel and apply transitions.