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CanSat regulations

List of requirements

Your CanSat must follow certain requirements. 
  1. All CanSat components cannot exceed the size of a standard can (115 mm in length and 66 mm in diameter). An exception can be made for radio and GPS antennas*, which can be mounted outdoors. 
  2. The CanSat's antennas, transducers and other elements cannot exceed the diameter of the can until it leaves the launch vehicle.. 
  3. The CanSat's mass must be in between 300g and 350g.
  4. Explosives, detonators, pyrotechnic equipment and other flammable or dangerous materials are strictly prohibited. All materials used must be safe for the personnel, equipment and the environment. Material safety data sheets will be required in case of doubt.
  5. The CanSat must be powered by a battery and/or solar panels. It must be possible to plug these systems in for 4 uninterrupted hours.
  6. The battery must be easily accessible, in case it needs to be replaced or recharged in the field.  
  7. The CanSat must be equipped with an easy-to-access main switch.
  8. The CanSat must have a recovery system, such as a parachute, that can be reused after launch. It is recommended to use colored or shiny material, which will facilitate the recovery of the CanSat after landing. 
  9. The parachute connection should be able to withstand up to 500N of force. The strength of the parachute must be tested to ensure that the system will operate normally.
  10. The flight time must last 120 max. 
  11. The descending speed must be 8 m/s and 11m/s. Additionally, aerodrome conditions or weather conditions could determine other mandatory speed restrictions. 
  12. The CanSat must be able to resist a 20G acceleration force.
  13. The total value of the CanSat cannot exceed €500, including the CanSat base kit (100€). This restriction does not include ground equipment (antenna, computer, etc.). 
  14. In the case of a sponsorship or gift, all sponsored items must be specified in the budget with the corresponding actual amount on the market.
  15. The assigned frequency must be respected by all launch campaign teams. The frequency range changes depending on the country where the event is organized and will be communicated in due time. It is recommended that teams pay attention to the design of the CanSat system in terms of integration and interconnection of hardware, so that the radio frequency can be easily changed if necessary.
*Note: The rocket payload area usually has 4.5 cm of space available per CanSat, in the axial direction of the CanSat (i.e. height), which is intended to accommodate external elements, including: parachute, parachute attachment hardware, and any antennas.